Coach to Coach

Our cutting-edge wireless and wired communication technology offers unparalleled reliability and security. This advanced system has not only received validation from pro football coaches but also successfully operates in the most challenging and high-demand environments.

A row of three locks in front of a background of green ones and zeros. The. middle lock is unlocked.


All communication is secured using end-to-end military-grade encryption with proper key management and distribution. Our intercom system stands as the sole solution validated by Optiv, guaranteeing complete protection against unauthorized access.

A wireless belt pack that a football coach wears on gameday.

Operational Ease

Operating our coach-to-coach communications system is an intuitive experience. Whether you're on the practice field, at the stadium, or on the move, the interface is designed with user-friendliness in mind. This ensures that your coaching staff can seamlessly integrate the technology into their workflows, allowing for enhanced communication without the need for extensive training or technical expertise.

A cellular radio facing a football field.


We harness the power of private cellular 4G and 5G technologies, leveraging the very same technology that drives your cell phone. Coach2Player easily provides full coverage of the entire playing surface. Say goodbye to spotty connectivity and poor audio quality.

A user interface showing each coach's battery life and wireless signal strength of the coach2coach belt pack.


Support staff can effortlessly monitor vital system parameters throughout the game, allowing for real-time adjustments without disrupting the coaching staff.

A football helmet showing the placement of a Coach2Player speaker.

Coach to Player Ready

The system can be easily expanded to seamlessly integrate our Coach-to-Player communication best-in-class wireless solution. This revolutionary system has been designed to not require any modifications to helmets while dramatically improving the audio quality and communication capabilities on the football field. See our Coach-to-Player in-helmet speakers.

The open trunk of a red car.


Recognizing the dynamic nature of football programs, our solution is designed with portability in mind. Units can be easily moved between practice facilities, stadiums, and utilized during team travels. The components are constructed with durable materials to withstand the demands of a dynamic football environment.