Coach to Player

The Coach2Player groundbreaking system is meticulously crafted to eliminate the need for any football helmet modifications. Our audio quality surpasses that of competitors, particularly excelling in high-noise environments. Effortlessly monitor battery life and conveniently adjust volume directly from your phone or tablet, ensuring a seamless and reliable experience with optimal volume tailored to the player.


Football helmet with Coach2Player logo.
Helmet speaker assembly showing speakers, radio and battery in size comparison to a US quarter.

Try Before You Buy

Available Now: Turnkey Rental System for Competitive Edge!

Equip your team with our complete rental package, featuring:

  • 2 Play Caller Radios

  • 3 Helmet Modules including battery and charger

  • 3 Spare Batteries

  • Durable Travel Case

All for just $2,000.

Join the growing list of NCAA, Canadian, and high school teams enhancing their game with our reliable system. Plus, we fully support the FBS-mandated cutoff requirement, ensuring compliance and top-tier performance.

A lock over a computer keyboard with multicolored light trails surrounding it.


All communications are safeguarded with enhanced privacy encryption, ensuring the highest level of security.

A football player showing the location of the Coach2Player speaker components in a football helmet.

Designed for Future

We conducted extensive consultations with football players, equipment managers, product designers, and manufacturers to gain a comprehensive understanding of their requirements. This collaborative effort ensured that our components were safely accommodated within the available space in all helmet models without modification of padding.

A radio antennae icon.


Utilizing the latest in wireless technology, the system is portable and available for use in football practice and games according to your league’s rules.

An application user interface allowing adjustment of volume and monitoring of battery life in the Coach2Player system.


Your support staff has full view of the system’s performance. They can effortlessly monitor battery levels throughout the game. No more guessing what the battery level is.

A coach making a play-call on a football field.

Fully Integrated

Our Coach2Player system is seamlessly integrated, simplifying play calling for football coaches who can make calls with a single button on their Coach2Coach belt pack. Additionally, our system offers full support for play call cutoff, tailored to adhere to your league's specific rules.

A speaker icon.

Volume Adjustment

You have full volume control at your fingertips, eliminating the need to remove the football helmet or interfere with the player. Additionally, we’ll be offering dynamic volume control as an option, allowing the unit to automatically adjust the volume based on the ambient noise level in the football stadium.

Comparing Products

Ask these questions when shopping:

  1. Does it require modifications to helmet padding (check every helmet model)?

  2. At what volume setting does the audio begin to distort? Watch video of a competitor.

  3. Intelligibility when there’s a lot of crowd noise is the most important aspect of communication to a player. What is the highest sound pressure level (measured in dB) you’ve proven your system is intelligible?

  4. Ask them to demonstrate how to change the volume of a unit within the helmet. Use a stopwatch.

  5. How do you determine the battery level of a unit in helmet?

  6. How is communication secured?

  7. How does a cutoff switch operate with this solution?

  8. Can you guarantee full coverage of the football field including end zones?

  9. What does a game system look like vs. a practice system?

We are proud to answer these questions.

How We Excel

  1. Does it require modifications to helmet padding (check every helmet model)?

    No. Our objective was to identify universal dimensions compatible with every helmet, eliminating the need for padding removal or replacement. We meticulously measured all helmet models available in the 2023 market, pinpointing the ideal dimensions for speakers, radio receiver, and battery. Achieving optimal size while ensuring superior audio quality and loudness in critical moments posed a significant challenge.

    In addressing the battery component, we confronted a fundamental physics problem: increasing runtime necessitates larger batteries. Despite this constraint, our batteries deliver over 2.5 hours of continuous power, ample for any practice session and half a game. We also offer a battery that delivers over 3.5 hours of operation.

  2. At what volume setting does the audio begin to distort?

    Our product is meticulously crafted to maintain clarity and prevent distortion in both the amplifier and speaker drivers even when the volume is set to the maximum level.

    Other products on the market exhibits clipping or distortion when the device volume is set to 8 or higher. Due to the inherent difficulty in adjusting the volume of these devices (as outlined in point #4 below), most teams opt to set the volume on every device to the maximum level of 10, assuming it would provide optimal sound for players in high crowd noise situations. Unfortunately, this practice leads to compromised audio quality as the speakers and amplifiers experience clipping.

    Consequently, the audio becomes less intelligible, impacting players' ability to comprehend crucial play calls. Quarterbacks resorting to placing their hands over their ears during gameplay are attempting to decipher play instructions, a challenging task when confronted with distorted audio. To highlight this issue, we encourage you to watch a sample video from our competitor and attempt to discern the coach's instructions, underscoring the importance of our pursuit to deliver clear and unaltered audio for enhanced player communication. Watch video.

  3. Intelligibility when there’s a lot of crowd noise is the most important aspect of communication to a player. What is the highest sound pressure level (measured in dB) you’ve proven your system is intelligible?

    The ambient noise in a football stadium exhibits considerable variability, ranging from 70-80 dB during quieter moments to a crescendo of 105 dB when fans actively attempt to disrupt the opposing team, reaching peaks of 110 dB after significant plays. Notably, the home team quarterback is subjected to significantly higher noise levels than the visiting team's quarterback, defying common assumptions.

    In the design and testing of our Coach2Player products, we conscientiously considered these dynamic noise levels. We ensured that our communication remains intelligible even in environments with exceptionally high crowd noise. To exemplify this capability, we invite you to experience a demonstration in our lab, where we can simulate crowd noise conditions for a firsthand comparison against our competitors.

  4. Demonstrate how to change the volume of a unit within the helmet. Use a stopwatch.

    With our Coach2Player system, adjusting the volume of a helmet speaker is quick and hassle-free, directly from your phone or tablet. No helmet removal is required for the player. Within a range of 10-20 feet from the device, selecting the Coach2Player device from a list, changing the volume, and pressing Ok is a straightforward process. Using a stopwatch to measure the time with the Coach2Player system, it takes only a few seconds, and there's no disruption to the player.

    In contrast, our competitor's device necessitates a complex, multi-step procedure. This involves the player removing their helmet, locating the large black connector inside, and separating the battery from the radio. A wired controller device must then be plugged into the two open ends of the black connector, reconnecting the battery and radio. After waiting for the radio to turn back on, the user is directed to press the vol+ button 10 times to reach maximum volume. Adjusting to a different volume requires pressing the vol- button and counting down from 10. Once complete, the connectors from the controller are disconnected from the helmet module, and the battery and radio ends of the helmet module need to be reconnected. The radio takes a few seconds to boot up, and the black connector must be carefully tucked back into the helmet. This entire procedure may take several minutes, contrasting starkly with the efficiency of our Coach2Player system.

  5. How do you determine the battery level of a unit in helmet?

    With our Coach2Player system, keeping tabs on the well-being of all helmet modules is a seamless process. Utilizing the same application on your phone or tablet used for volume control, you can effortlessly monitor all your devices during a game or practice, obtaining precise information on the battery level of each unit. This eliminates the guesswork associated with assessing whether a battery was adequately charged and helps you make informed decisions about preemptively changing a battery during a game.

    In contrast, our competitor lacks the capability to measure battery levels, leaving users without a crucial tool for efficient device management.

  6. How is communication secured?
    We employ Motorola's advanced MotoTrbo digital enhanced privacy feature to safeguard against unauthorized eavesdropping. This represents the pinnacle of security available for two-way radios in non-public safety applications. Our system boasts a robust 40-bit encryption standard specifically designed for Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), ensuring a high level of protection for sensitive communications. Motorola offers three options for securing your communication: Basic Privacy, Enhanced Privacy and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Basic privacy offers the lowest level of security and may deter the casual radio listener from hearing your important communication. Basic Privacy will not provide protection from a hacker. There are only 255 keys used in basic privacy which doesn’t take long for someone to test each key. Enhanced Privacy uses a 40-bit key and the key is constantly changed which makes it way more difficult to hack into. AES is reserved for use by public safety and is therefore not an option to use at this time.

  7. How does a cutoff switch operate with this solution?

    Coach2Player's coach-to-coach product is engineered for seamless cutoff operations, a feature integrated into the system since its inception in 2016. Typically, an individual with no team affiliation operates a cutoff switch device in proximity to the game and play clock operators. Activating this switch temporarily suspends communication from the coach-to-coach system, sending a distinctive tone to alert the coach of the interruption.

    The audio interface not only facilitates cutoff but also ensures system integrity. It restricts play calling in the absence of a cutoff switch or in scenarios where multiple coaches possess play-calling capabilities. To address redundancy concerns and instances where the Coach2Player system is not in use, advanced repeater operations can be employed. In such cases, communication is terminated at the repeater, offering sophisticated management of multiple scenarios. Coach2Player offers a comprehensive turnkey solution encompassing all these components for effective and reliable communication management.

  8. Can you guarantee full coverage of the football field including end zones?

    Not all stadiums are created equal. We’ve found that many indoor stadiums cause significant issues with radio frequency coverage due to the way radio waves bounce off the roof and other structural elements. Coach2Player leverages DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) technology, enabling signals to traverse extensive distances without disruption even in the challenging venues. The seamless coverage extends across the entire playing field surface, ensuring uninterrupted play calls under all conditions. By employing FCC licensed frequencies, our system undergoes pre-coordination, guaranteeing exclusive utilization of the radio frequency spectrum. This proactive approach eliminates the risk of interference from other users, further enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of Coach2Player's communication capabilities.

  9. What does a game system look like vs. a practice system?

    Experience game-day simplicity with our Coach2Player solution which utilizes the same devices for practice and game day.

    During practices, coaches can streamline communication by using a handheld radio unit for play calls or opting for the Coach2Player C2C system. This approach guarantees a seamless operation between coaching staff and players, enabling them to practice in a manner that mirrors the dynamics of game day. Enjoy a hassle-free transition from practice to game, all thanks to Coach2Player's user-friendly design.